Volume 7




Editor's Note



Bricolage: Creating Immersive Experiences through Artful Use of What Is at Hand
by Jeffrey Carpenter and Tami Dixon


Playwriting with Robots: Creating Cyborgian Theatre with Online Chatbots
by Bella Poynton

The Job that Pays the Bills and How Theatre History Class Can Help
by Kathy L. Privatt

No Men, No Boats: Directing and Dance Dramaturgy for Jaclyn Backhaus' Men on Boats
by Eero Laine

Rehearsing Men on Boats: A Dialogue
by Eero Laine and Janet Werther

Consulting Editors:
Carolyn Conover (Jacksonville State University)
Eileen Curley (Marist College)
Christopher Grobe (Amherst College)
Jacob Juntunen (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale)
Deric McNish (Michigan State University)
Jules Odendahl-James (Duke University)
Scott Proudfit( Elon University)
Kara Reilly (University of Exeter)